With the Justice Hema Committe report leading to a furore in the Malayalam film industry, the move has prompted a call for the formation of such committees across Indian film industries to combat sexu...
Actor JP Reddy, known as JP for short, is set to present a story that he feels everybody who moves from a village to the city for better education, will relate to. The film, Karki, marks Tamil directo...
Cottage cheese, the protein-powerhouse and a rich source of vitamin B12 and calcium may leave foodies divided over its taste, but not its impressive nutritional profile. The white creamy cheese can be...
Cottage cheese, the protein-powerhouse and a rich source of vitamin B12 and calcium may leave foodies divided over its taste, but not its impressive nutritional profile. The white creamy cheese can be...
Chennai: Madras Christian College has introduced a smart duck to track water quality of a lake inside its sprawling 300-acre campus in Tambaram.The IoT-enabled, remote-controlled duck will move across...
Chennai: Madras Christian College has introduced a smart duck to track water quality of a lake inside its sprawling 300-acre campus in Tambaram.The IoT-enabled, remote-controlled duck will move across...
Chennai: Madras Christian College has introduced a smart duck to track water quality of a lake inside its sprawling 300-acre campus in Tambaram.The IoT-enabled, remote-controlled duck will move across...
Ghaziabad: A 35-year-old man was arrested on Sunday for allegedly killing a 70-year-old woman during a confrontation with her son in Madhuban Bapudham.According to police, the deceased's son, Bijendra...
Actor JP Reddy, known as JP for short, is set to present a story that he feels everybody who moves from a village to the city for better education, will relate to. The film, Karki, marks Tamil directo...
With the Justice Hema Committe report leading to a furore in the Malayalam film industry, the move has prompted a call for the formation of such committees across Indian film industries to combat sexu...
Chennai: Madras Christian College has introduced a smart duck to track water quality of a lake inside its sprawling 300-acre campus in Tambaram.The IoT-enabled, remote-controlled duck will move across...
With the Justice Hema Committe report leading to a furore in the Malayalam film industry, the move has prompted a call for the formation of such committees across Indian film industries to combat sexu...
Chennai: Madras Christian College has introduced a smart duck to track water quality of a lake inside its sprawling 300-acre campus in Tambaram.The IoT-enabled, remote-controlled duck will move across...
Ghaziabad: A 35-year-old man was arrested on Sunday for allegedly killing a 70-year-old woman during a confrontation with her son in Madhuban Bapudham.According to police, the deceased's son, Bijendra...
With the Justice Hema Committe report leading to a furore in the Malayalam film industry, the move has prompted a call for the formation of such committees across Indian film industries to combat sexu...